Justifying the place of Equity in 2019 Guber race in Abia ~ Chief Isaac Ogbonna

Posted by Admin | 6 years ago | 2,607 times

An American singer songwriter Isaac Hayes was more than being philosophical when he said if you enjoy the fragrance of a rose, you must accept the thorns which it bears. Hayes was just saying the obvious on the existence of a price to pay for every successful endeavor.

Having gone through a tortuous life from age five in the hands of his maternal grandparents after the death of his mother, Hayes could be seen as credible on issues of paying price for success. As it stands now, this time tested statement by Hayes has become expedient in Abia State if we are to move on as successful state.

As the election year draws closer, a topical issue that is trending now is that of power sharing for harmonious relationships among the various sections of the state. This has naturally brought up a document that many have described as the way forward for a conducive coexistence of Abians.

Indeed, the Abia Charter of equity has been in place to assuage the fear of domination by any section, as it provides that the Governorship of the state be rotated among the three Geopolitical zones. Accordingly, for some time now, power has expectedly been rotation among the political sections, namely Abia North, Abia central, until the turn of present Abia South.

Of course, it could be recalled that each zone had, in the past, served two terms; therefore, it is just natural that the remaining zone should also have their two terms, for justice to be seen to have being done. On the strength of this, it is expected that the current government of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu be allowed to finish two terms before any other zone. Agreed that we are growing up as a State but desire greatness, yet could these be achieved without some show of responsibility and maturity?

Is it really a hard task for one to reason that what is good for the goose is also good sauce for the gander? Of course, this underscores the popular saying that the price of greatness is responsibility, while maturity is a high price to pay for growing up. Indeed, people be free unless they are willing to sacrifice some of their interest to guarantee the freedom of others and as Saul Alinsky would say, the price of democracy is the pursuit of the common good by all for people.

It is not about denying any section of its right to a fair share in the communal pie, neither is it prerogative of any group, more than the collective interest of all, to lord it over the others really justice demands that things should be done reasonably, for there to be peace in the land. That is the reason Martin Luther King Junior once said that human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable, rather every step towards the goal of justice requires sacrifice, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individual.

The dedicated individuals being referred to are the right thinking people, including those here in Abia, and this has been confirmed by Robert Kennedy quote "The glory of justice and the Majesty of Law are created not just by the Constitution, nor by the Courts, nor by the officers of the Law, nor by the Lawyers, but by the men and women who constitute our society who are the protectors of the Law as they are themselves protected by the Law" unquote.

In Abia today, ahead of 2019 general elections, a lot of aspirants are already making moves and gearing up to convince Abians to vote for them even in the face of glaring evidence of outstanding performance by Governor Ikpeazu.

However, Abians who make out time to visit the completed and ongoing projects embarked upon by Dr. Ikpeazu will be properly informed especially in these days of social media where people are deceived with lies and propaganda.

Indeed, if the many projects and policies initiated by Governor Ikpeazu are realized, Abia will become a business and tourist destination in the coming years. In the words of Abraham Lincoln quote "The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot do so well for themselves in their separate and individual capacities" unquote.

In line with the above, Governor Ikpeazu has unburned the hearts of the electorate by embarking on those things they cannot do for the themselves and the community.

Therefore, let Abians know that the beauty of justice would be seen if they allow equity to reign in the State by supporting and working towards actualization of Governor Ikpeazu's political aspiration.

Umuahia- Nigeria
September 17, 2018


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